First flash by me? Well there's a possibility of that happening in the future... Now seeing that I have the attention span of an over caffeinated monkey, it's very possible I won't finish it. And I'm trying as hard as possible not to make it into one of those shitty first animations which I see people create all of the time. I have posted one character here... Constructive criticism would be nice. That's one of two... the second character is still in creation. And, no, I'm not going to reveal what the plot is, so you might as well not ask... you probably won't be able to guess either.
In other news Cherrie O' has gained a decent amount of numbers:
12 reviews, 30 favorites, 202 votes (not very much actually), 4000 views, 9 submissions, and 195 downloads.
Maybe not the best, but still pretty damn good in my mind.
Edit: I posted the second character Jim there now too...
. <== unrelated
How would you like your first project to be with me and Goat-Man? (aka, Bill's Quest). My music makers bailed on me and I need someone to come up with some music for the game Goat-Man and I have been working on. If you agree, that means you have the privilege of seeing Bill's Quest in its beta stages, but you must keep quiet about it to other users. I've also asked Japanesekanji to help me out too.
Benefits you ask? If this game does well, you could get some recognition and even a little money from sponsors.
Let me know as soon as you can!