Yesh! my eighth grade trip is comming up! Woo! 8 days until...
Since I'm guessing some of you are wondering what I'm talking about, I guess I'll fill you in... It is customary for the kids of my school (STM) to go on an eighth grade trip at the end of the year. No, it's not one of those lame trips to a city near to you, (Olympia, lol) but, in fact, we're going on the other side of the country. I live in Washington state... not going to get to technical about where I live and shit, cause I don't want someone comming to my house one day, "Hey... I found you on newgrounds... wanna do it?" or something really gay. Okay well anyway we go to Washington D.C. for our class trip for ten days, which, by the way, will be awesome. Throughout this year all of my classmates, except the ones who aren't going (DAMN YOU NICK) had to raise at least half of $1,350 to make our way, so it wasn't just a picnic. I raised more then half, ($300 donation from meh g-ma) and even went $286 over... So I'm happy. It's 8 days from today, and I'm ready... well except for packing, I'll probably procrastinate until the last day as I always do.
Any suggestions what I should buy? : P
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So, you're 16 and in 8th grade? Lol.